La cartografia anglesa. Cicle de conferències sobre Història de la Cartografia. 7è curs

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El presente volumen recoge las conferencias pronunciadas por Catherine Delano Smith, miembro investigador del Institute of Historical Research, Universidad de Londres, y editora de Imago Mundi, y Roger J. P. Kain, profesor de Geografía de la Universidad de Exeter y miembro de la British Academy, con motivo de la celebración del séptimo curso sobre historia de la cartografía dedicado a La Cartografía Inglesa.

Los temas tratados son los siguientes:

  • Maps and map history in England: approaches to the history of cartography.
  • Mapping landed properties: estate maps in medieval, renaissance and enlightenment England.
  • Mapping landed properties: enclosure mapping in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • Mapping landed properties: tithe maps of the mid-nineteenth century: a first large-scale national survey of England and Wales?
  • Maps and the city in history: town mapping in England from the middle ages to the nineteenth century.
  • Thematic maps.
  • The Ordnance Survey: emergence of the National Mapping Agency.

Por Roger J. P. Kain

  • The first English maps.
  • The shape of England: English mappaemundi and maps of England before c. 1540.
  • Maps for the monarch in the sixteenth century: maps for display and military maps.
  • Maps for government: mapping England and Wales in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
  • English regional mapping in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: country maps and atlases and the growth of topographical knowledge.
  • Maps for route-planning and way-finding.
  • Map collections and libraries in England and their place in the history of cartography.

Por Catherine Delano Smith.



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