To commemorate Pompeu Fabra Year, the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) edited and published the facsimile Mapa de les terres de llengua catalana (Map of Catalan-speaking territories): published under the patronage of the Catalan patrician Dr Antoni P. Aleu. Publications of the Associació Protectora de l'Ensenyança Catalana (Association for the Protection of Catalan Language). Scale 1:500,000. [1921]. The original map dimensions are 120 x 98 cm, and it is kept at the ICGC's Cartoteca de Catalunya.
The map delimits, on a topographical basis, the territories of the Catalan-speaking with the Balearic Islands within the Iberian Peninsula. The pedagogical renewal movements in Catalonia promoted, among others, by the Associació Protectora de l'Ensenyança Catalana, known as the Protectora and founded in 1898, proposed the Catalan language as the language of the school and the use of a new, modern and active pedagogy. One of the areas in which this renovation became more relevant was in the teaching of geography, and maps were one of the most used tools. Hence the publication, from the beginning of the 20th century, of various school maps in Catalan Language.
Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, 1868 – Prada de Conflent, 1948) was appointed, in 1917, president of the Pedagogical Editorial Commission of the Protectora to promote the publication of all kinds of educational material in Catalan Language, including this map, and was the Section of Cartography of the Mancomunitat de Catalunya, precedent of the current ICGC, who prepared it.
The ICGC publishes this cartographic document in a facsimile edition in support of the Pompeu Fabra Year, which commemorates the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 100th anniversary of Catalan Grammar. The ICGC also collaborated in the Pompeu Fabra Year by participating in the making of all the names of roads in Catalonia that bear the name of the illustrious linguist.