In May 2001, with the approval of the Territorial plan of the Lands of the Ebro, the model for the future development of this territory was reinforced. This is a model that, among other aspects, highlights the role to be played by tourism, a model whose aim is that this activity should supply both the coastal and interior zones in a positive way, with differentiated but complementary proposals.
Of the many values that exist in the Lands of the Ebre, there is one that is at the same time nature and culture, the backbone of the territory and what has given it coherence. Clearly, we are referring to the river Ebre.
Ever since the Autonomous Government of Catalonia decided to lend support to the stimulation on this natural resource, which is so important for the counties along the Ebre river, and in the process recovering the old waterway as a natural, recreational, cultural and sporting proposal, difficulties have not been lacking. Nevertheless, river tourism, still in the process of consolidation, is already being defined as an important element of diversification for the possibilities for tourism in the Lands of the Ebre.
As a result of this situation, the idea of creating the Fluvial navigation map of the Ebro 1:100,000 and the accompanying guide emerged. Here, the so called the water and land resources have been combined, so that the visitor can discover from the river the different native products that are offered in each of the municipalities bathed by the Ebre, from Riba-roja d'Ebre to Deltebre.
Aside from speaking about the river and describing the specific areas, in this edition reference is also made to the Lands of the Ebre in general, the natural parks, the natural areas, the popular festivities, gastronomy and lodging. Definitively, visitors have a map that will help them to have in depth knowledge of river navigation on the Catalan Ebre and a guide that collects the possibilities that will allow them to plan their stay in the Lands of the Ebre.