La cartografia dels països de parla alemanya. Cicle de conferències sobre Història de la Cartografia

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This volume summarizes the lectures by Wolfgang Scharfe, attached to the Freie Universität Berlin as a teacher and member of the Institut für Geographische Wissenchaften and member of various committees; Ingrid Kretschmer, professor of cartography at the Department of Geography, University of Vienna, member of various committees and vice president of Austrian Geographical Society, and Hans-Uli Feldmann, chief cartographer of the Federal Office of Topography of Wabern, professor of cartography at the Technical College of Berne, editor of Cartographica Helvetica. Fachzeitschrift für Kartengeschichte and member of the Swiss Society of Cartography, on the occasion of the celebration of the fifth course on the history of cartography dedicated to Cartography of the German-speaking countries –Germany, Austria and Switzerland-.

The topics are:

  • Approaches to the history of cartography in German-speaking countries.
  • Cartography in German between the Renaissance and the 18th century. Regional development and atlas cartography.
  • Surveys of German territories from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries.
  • Thematic cartography and atlas cartography in German in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Map collections and map librarianship in Germany.

By Wolfgang Scharfe.

  • The development of Austrian cartography. Cartographic representation of Austrian territories.

By Ingrid Kretschmer.

  • Central European territories on medieval maps and charts.
  • Cartography in Switzerland, 15th to 18th century.
  • Official survey and first national map series of Switzerland, 19th century.
  • Thematic mapping and the development of cartographic techniques in Switzerland.
  • Map publishers, map collections and documentation, electronic information and map archives in Switzerland.

By Hans-Uli Feldmann.

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