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Planisphere "El Món" 1:15,000,000 (in 3 sheets contained in a tube)

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48.08 / unit(s)
Delivery weight: 1,005 g

Available delivery methods: Delivery of the planisphere 1:15,000,000, Delivery of the planisphere 1:15,000,000, Delivery of the planisphere 1:15,000,000

Planisphere "The World" (in catalan). 1st edition. Year 2009
Size of each sheet: 90 x 138 cm (3 sheets contained in a tube) / Assembled size: 270 x 138 cm

The ICC has developed this planisphere from SRTM90, land uses and bathymetric data. The principal projection is the Robinson one and 1:25,000,000 stereographic projections have been used in the polar areas and oblique stereographic projections centered in 0 meridian, 180 meridian and several latitudes.

The cartographic presentation was made from a legend consists of 11 elements in population and administrative boundaries, 6 items of hydrography, 4 items of orography, 3 items of underwater orography and 2 items relating to World Heritage. The land uses are represented from the group of 15 types. Place names come from the ICC's place names database. Selection presented meets the type of map, with special attention to the human installation (capitals and towns), terrestrial and maritime oronyms, and marine toponimy.

Browse this category: Other topographic maps
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